District Overview
Great Salt Bay Sanitary District (GSBSD) is a publicly owned, quasi-municipal utility organized to provide safe drinking water in Damariscotta and Newcastle, and to provide wastewater treatment services in the Towns of Damariscotta, Newcastle, and Nobleboro. The District currently has 713 water customers and 1400 wastewater users.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide safe drinking water, adequate fire protection, and effective wastewater treatment. The District is committed to public health, customer service, and environmental protection.
Water Division
The Drinking Water Division’s water supply is “Little Pond” a pristine, 77 acre spring fed pond in a protected area of Damariscotta. An ultraviolet light water treatment system serves as a primary disinfectant and chlorine as a secondary disinfectant.

The Welton Tank on Standpipe Rd. in Damariscotta and the Academy Hill Tank in Newcastle feed the Twin Villages equalizing the water distribution system while adding extra fire protection. (Generators provide backup power to all areas of the system).
Wastewater Division
The Wastewater Division’s wastewater treatment for the Damariscotta and Newcastle consist of three aerated lagoons with a capacity of eight million gallons. The Board of Trustees’ voted to clean the lagoons, upgrade the aeration system and inspect lagoon liners in 2012.

The Damariscotta Mills area of Newcastle and Nobleboro has a small sand filter, fed by septic tanks, maintained by the district.
The Great Salt Bay Sanitary District’s operations are carried out by four full-time employees overseen by an elected six-member Board of Trustees. Representing Damariscotta are William Brewer, John Gallagher, and Lewis Cameron, representing Newcastle are Lynne Plourde and Louis Rector, and representing Nobleboro is Robert Whear. The Trustees meet the second Wednesday each month, 5 p.m. at the District office, located at 121 Piper Mill Road in Damariscotta. The public is encouraged to attend. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00am-3:00pm.
For more information, please contact our office at 563-5105.